Mother’s Day is almost here. The day to celebrate the woman who brought you into the world or to celebrate the woman who gave you children. Or both. Flowers are a lovely gift (in those instances where the recipient gets what you actually ordered) but they’re not always an original or personal gift.
You can cook. Mom will appreciate a homemade meal from you, even if you’re not all that good at it. However, if you really don’t want to be in the kitchen or you live far away, packing a picnic lunch and taking mom to the park isn't always an option.
You can shop around for a Mother's Dinner. Many restaurants offer Mother’s Day specials. You can look for deals and coupons to take mom out on her special day but it only lasts a day.
You can find easy meal options. You can scour your mom’s neighborhood for restaurants offer take out. Collect the take-out menus and put them in a binder so mom has a fast and easy reference guide for those nights when cooking isn’t on the menu. You can even add gift card for one of the restaurants if you have the cash but many restaurants that offer take out meals aren't especially healthy and Mom has to drive to pick it up.
So, what if none of those options work for you or Mom? What’s for dinner? No problem. We've got you covered! Personal Chef To Go offers a better, healthier and easier alternative to cooking, discount dinners out and take out. Why not gift Mom an entire week of healthy, fresh and chef prepared meals delivered right to her door?
Our menus and meal services are focused on healthier eating and living that fits in with any lifestyle. You can order one time only or set up Autoship service on a weekly or biweekly basis. Whether it's Couples On The Go, Lunch and Dinner, Family Favorites or just Dinner Only, we can help you create a week of fresh and delicious meals for Mom that are easy and hassle free. All she needs to do is take them out of her refrigerator, pop it the microwave and she has a healthy, fresh dinner in 3 minutes or less!
And just to make it even easier, we're offering a 20% discount on all gifts cards though Mother's Day! Just enter Coupon Code "Mom14" when you order an electronic or mailed gift card!
Make Mother's Day shopping and gifting easy! Order today!
This time of year, people all over the world are thinking about their hopes for the new year. Is that you? And if so, have you started setting real, achievable goals for yourself? Whether it’s buying a house for the first time, quitting smoking, running a marathon (or just running a mile), or growing closer to a friend or family member, according to current research, setting goals can make all the difference in making your dreams a reality.
There is nothing magical about January 1, but for some reason, for many, the New Year is a great opportunity to get a fresh start in working towards those dreams. But what is the best way to make those resolutions stick and to actually achieve your goals in 2014?
We know you’re busy, so we did a little research and found 5 simple tips to increase the likelihood that you will keep your New Year’s resolution.
Tip 1: Develop an action plan.
This is the most simple of the tips, but also the most important, which is why it comes in at number one. Too often, we set lofty goals with the best of intentions, but these goals do not bridge the gap between where we are today, and where we will be when we reach our goals. This is the “how” of the goal that most of us ignore, and for good reason. Finding the answer to how to reach our goals forces us to think about real, actionable, steps that we need to take to make it possible. It forces us to face the reality that the journey to success is not always easy, which can be discouraging.
To counter the fear of what lies ahead, an action plan is critical. Think about the small victories that will get you to where you want to be, step by step. Then, knock off each of these accomplishments one at a time. By eliminating the wide gap of uncertainty between ourselves and our goals for the future, an action plan provides a framework from which we can act out our intentions, in whatever form they may take.
Tip 2: Don’t sweat the small stuff, especially if your resolution involves weight loss.
Just as one bad meal won’t make you fat, one good meal won’t make you skinny. The reality of any resolution is that it won’t always go the way you would like it to go. There will be bumps in the road, and that’s not just OK, it’s normal. Successful people understand that they will falter from time to time, but that there is always an opportunity to get back on track. If you think of your life as one big possibility, then each decision you make is a chance to become exactly who you would like to be.
If your goal is to lose weight, and you find that you have overeaten at a given meal, or even throughout the day, you have a choice to make. What possibility will you make a reality? Will you beat yourself up, and possibly even wind up fueling further poor nutritional choices? Or will you acknowledge your failure without shame, and reaffirm your commitment to making better choices in the future? If you pick the latter, you will be one your way to your weight loss goal in no time at all.
Tip 3: Be realistic.
While lofty goals can be a great motivator for change, they also become discouraging if we do not see the progress we expect. If you are not a mountain climber today, it may be a bit of a stretch to resolve to climb Mt. Everest before this time next year. Likewise, if you have a lot of weight to lose, it’s best to be realistic about the time-frame you set out to lose it in.
You might be surprised to know that a weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week is considered healthy, and that for most people, weight loss beyond this level may be simply water weight. Even worse, rapid weight loss results often come in the form of lean mass reduction, instead of what you really want to target, fat. At a rate of 1-2 pounds lost per week, it is realistic to expect that a person who wished to lose 50 pounds would require five months, or more, to do so safely. Lastly, before starting any weight loss regimen, visit your doctor and ask him or her about different weight loss methods, and any concerns you should take into account before beginning.
Tip 4: Make your resolution known.
This one is really simple, and extremely effective. Share your resolution with family members, friends, and coworkers. In doing so, a few things will occur. First, you may find that there are others who have set the same, or similar, goals. These people can help to hold you accountable, and become the motivation that you need to succeed at whatever you’ve set out to achieve.
Secondly, when we share our intent with the world, we can no longer tuck it away in the deep recesses of our brains. Once it’s out, we are much more likely to act out the steps necessary to be successful. An added benefit to this is you just might inspire others by your actions. Having a support network that not only encourages you to stick it out to the end, but also relies upon you for the very same support can be extremely motivating and inspiring.
Tip 5: Make resolutions that fit into your lifestyle.
This tip is often easier said than done, but with a little bit of effort and creativity, nearly any goal can be accomplished if you give yourself enough time. But that’s just it, we don’t all have an abundance of extra time on our hands. In fact, many of us are busy from the moment we wake up in the morning, until the moment we rest our head on our pillows at night.
If this sounds like you, there are solutions out there that you may not have even known existed. For instance, if your New Year’s resolution is to lose a specific amount of weight, and you’ve followed the advice in tip one of creating an action plan, you might be worried that there isn’t enough time in the day to perform each of the necessary steps to prepare the healthy meals that you have included as part of your plan.
Maybe it’s the shopping that you don’t have time for, or maybe you just don't like cooking and know that it will take you hours to prepare the meals you have selected. Whatever the case, there is a solution – Personal Chef To Go. Our refreshing approach to a healthier lifestyle provides not only weight loss but also promotes healthier eating by motivating you with healthy and delicious meals prepared with fresh ingredients, fresh never frozen, right to your door.
Personal Chef To Go customers rest easy knowing that their meals were developed by chefs just as committed to a healthy lifestyle as they are. You simply place their order online, and select the meal plans they wish to receive each week. and with our Autoship option it doesn’t get any easier than that. When it’s time to eat, each meal requires just a few minutes in the microwave and they’re ready to enjoy!
Our office and kitchen will close at 6pm, EDT, 12/23 and reopen at 9AM, 12/30 so that our employees can spend Christmas with their families. Orders will be taken online as usual during this time.
We will resume regular production and deliveries with our 1-4-14 menu.
From all of us here at Personal Chef To Go we wish you true joy and blessings this Holiday Season and good health and prosperity in the coming new year!
Do you want to have your cake, drinks, cookies and turkey dinner – and eat them too? Here are a few simple party season survival tips that can help you make it through the holidays with your energy level – and waistline – intact.
1. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to prevent dehydration, the reason many people feel “hung over” from drinking too much or eating too much heavy food.
2. Take a high-quality B-complex and vitamin C supplement, both of which are depleted by alcohol consumption and stress and needed for energy and immunity.
3. Eat fruit throughout the day—the best food to keep your body cleansed and supported with super-healing phytonutrients–potent plant nutrients.
4. Eat a large green salad for lunch and dinner before heading out to any holiday parties.
5. Eat a small healthy snack every two hours to stabilize blood sugar. Wild blood sugar fluctuations can deplete your energy, cause your body to gain weight, and depress your immune system, making you more vulnerable to those cold and flu bugs found in droves at most parties.
6. Avoid eating sweets, synthetic sweeteners or foods sweetened with them at home. You’ll probably get enough of these treats at the party.
7. Be sure to fit some exercise into your day, even if it means taking the stairs or walking faster than normal at the mall while holiday shopping. A minimum of twenty minutes of vigorous activity will get your circulation going, improve lymph flow, increase energy, and help your body handle the stress of the holiday season.
8. Avoid margarine and foods made with hydrogenated fats. These toxic foods make your body’s detox organs sluggish and require huge amounts of energy for digestion. They also lead to weight gain.
9. Avoid foods that contain synthetic colors, preservatives, and other additives. By avoiding them throughout the day, you are giving your liver a break so it can devote its energy to holiday foods.
10. Don’t overindulge at the party. Treat yourself, but try not to overdo it!
This means you’ll have lots of time to sit by the fire and read a book, play with your kids and enjoy long, chilly nights cuddled under a blanket with an old movie. (What do you mean, “Yeah right”?)
Your role as Santa’s CEO doesn't need all drudgery. Ho ho hos abound in our lives this time of year. Many people love making candied this and baked that for loved ones, friends, and family. In some parts of the the states home canned products from gardens, fields and orchards will be shipped to siblings in distant ZIP codes. With all the mailing and shipping and baking and shopping, things can get overwhelming.
Make it a point to keep things simple. Focus on those aspects of the season that are most meaningful and keep a distance from those events that you find distracting. Being with friends is really important, so you can plan early who you're’re going to see. Shopping, on the other hand, is worse than childbirth. One can get get panic attacks just thinking about going into Costco or a major department store at this time of year.
Often Christmas, as your family knows it wouldn’t happen if you weren’t around. So this month as you join the countless throngs, hefting your seasonal packfuls of duties and descend that chimney for those we love, recognize the value of your efforts. It’s an amazing gift you give.
To avoid burnout during the holidays, keep these strategies in mind:
Make calm and sanity your first priority. No one wants you frazzled. Avoid tasks that put you over the edge.
Exercise. Don’t get so busy that you forget to go to the gym or take that walk with your friends. Exercise is the perfect stress reducer and it’s vital for your emotional and physical health.
Maintain your perspective. It’s only the holidays, for goodness sakes. There’s no need to overreact.
Keep things simple and manageable. Everyone will appreciate your attitude.
Enlist help. Don’t be a martyr. Ask others to do their share. If it’s not important enough to them to do, maybe it just doesn’t get done.
Be happy. This season is meant to be joyful. If it’s not, you’re doing something wrong. Let go of activities that are stressful and replace them with serenity and peace.
Another way to avoid holiday burnout is to order a Personal Chef To Go meal plan for yourself or a Gift Card for a friend or loved one. It's easy to do and right now you can order Gift Cards at 25% off.
Order an electronic or mailed gift card and use coupon code Take25 and we'll take 25% off every gift card until December 31, 2013!
Give the gift of delicious chef-prepared meals that will pamper and please anyone on your holiday gift list! We appreciate your business, and look forward to serving you again and again!
It's that wonderful time of the year where we sit down, enjoy some turkey and take account for all the things we are thankful for is fast approaching. Let us help you start a thankful brainstorm with these 15 things to be thankful for on Thanksgiving. We know this list is not exhaustive, so let us know what else you are thankful for in the comments below!
15 Food
Some have and overabundance of it, others barely have enough to live (sadly, some even die without any). So if you have some of it, guess what, you have something to be grateful for.
14 Water
You can live a while without food, but you can’t live for long without water.
13 Military
Most people don’t like war. Unfortunately, events happen that create wars. In these situations, our military protects our homelands and our interests. They lay down their lives for those who don’t even know them.
12 Nature
There are so many benefits we receive from nature such as oxygen; trees for construction materials, paper, and furniture; and medicine. This is by no means exhaustive, but you can start to see that we indeed need to be grateful for the natural world.
11 Mistakes
You read that right. We need to be grateful for our mistakes for they serve a huge purpose in our development. Phyllis Theroux put it this way “Mistakes are the usual bridge between inexperience and wisdom”.
10 Laughter
Not only does laughter make people happy, it also makes them healthier. In fact, if you need convincing as to the value of laughter, check out 25 Reasons To Laugh.
9 Love
Love can be a two edge sword. But to live without love, is really not living. It doesn’t have to be a romantic love. But that sacrificial devotion to someone else’s well being is something that we should all be grateful for.
8 Influences
These can be teachers, pastors, coaches, or anyone who cares about you enough to not be afraid to tell you the truth no matter how much it hurts.
7 Pets
Yes pets. Whether you own one or not, our civilization owes a huge debt to these amazing animals. Not only are they good for our immediate health, but arguably, our survival as a human race has been dependent on the domestication of dogs and cats.
6 Physique
All physiques are different and we do a disservice to ourselves when we compare them. So what if so-and-so has big muscles and you don’t? Life is not about muscles or lack thereof. So be grateful for your physique and learn to love yourself so that in turn, you may love others.
5 Work
It’s easy to complain about a boss or a work environment. But remember; there are some people who would love to have a job yet find themselves unable to enter the work force.
4 Friends
C.S. Lewis once said “Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art… It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.” It’s a sad and lonely life to live without friends.
3 Family
Some could argue this point. However, there are many people who wish they had a family, yet find themselves lacking one. If you are one of the fortunate ones who can claim to have a family; rejoice and be grateful.
2 Parents
Some are fortunate to have some great parent, others are not so fortunate. Regardless of your fortune, the fact remains that you are alive. If it wasn’t for your parent’s involvement, you wouldn’t be.
1 Yourself
There is no one else like you and this world would not be the same without you in it. So be grateful for yourself. Look in the mirror and be thankful that you are who you are. As I once heard someone say “If people knew who they truly were, they would not want to be anybody else”.
Tomorrow is the traditional start of the holiday season as well as the day we set aside to give thanks to God for the many blessings we receive. It's also the perfect time to let you know we are thankful for your continued business with Personal Chef To Go. We realize there are many food delivery services in the marketplace and we truly appreciate that you select us for your healthy meal delivery service.
So, at this most appropriate time of the year, Thank You from the Personal Chef To Go employee family. Our sincere best wishes to you for a very Happy Thanksgiving and a most joyful Christmas season!
Chef Gene, Chef Blair and the Personal Chef To Go Family
Mindful eating is a term that gets thrown around a lot. Sure, I know that I shouldn’t inhale my pizza at warp speed or plop myself in front of the TV with a bag of chips. But as the holidays (and the stress that comes with them) approach, my knowledge of mindful eating goes out the window. Three hours into stuffing my face with Thanksgiving dinner, I can barely button my pants.
So, in a conscious effort to cut back on the pumpkin pie, I’m reminding myself of the principles of mindful eating. No better time to appreciate my meal and savor the experience like Thanksgiving. The Center of Mindful Eating gives tips on how to make eating a positive and nourishing experience. Here’s how:
Be aware of the positive and nurturing opportunities available through eating and preparing food.
Choose to eat food that is both pleasing to you and nourishing to your body by using all your senses to explore, savor, and taste.
Acknowledge your responses to food (likes, neutral, or dislikes) without judgment.
Recognize physical hunger and satiety cues, and let them guide your decision to start (and stop) eating.
I’m glad to have the reminder of how to mindfully eat. Thanksgiving isn’t the only time I eat on auto-pilot–on more than one occasion have I realized I’ve eaten an entire bag of cookies without noticing I’m full. This Thanksgiving, I’m planning on slowing way down during the meal, so that I can enjoy the people around the table more than the mashed potatoes.
How are you spending your Thanksgiving holiday? Are you as nervous as I am for the free-for-all at the dinner table? What are your tips to keep from overeating?
Thanksgiving wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without a little bit of chaos. There are so many dishes, so many people, and so many cherished family traditions that must be upheld it would be pretty strange if the day didn’t have its fair share of drama.
Personal Chef To Go takes the stress out of preparing for the Thanksgiving holiday. If you’ve ever had family, extended family, in-laws and close friends to your house for a Thanksgiving dinner, you know what it’s like to prepare a huge holiday meal. You spend days and days shopping and preparing so finding time to cook a healthy meal for your family at the end of a busy day is challenging at best.
Let Personal Chef To Go Help
For anyone that’s ever spent weeks preparing and shopping, cooking and seasoning, cleaning and scrubbing in the weeks before the Thanksgiving, our convenient food delivery service is just for you. All of our fresh meals are pre-cooked, ready for eating and delivered right to your door. Simply heat them in the microwave or oven, and enjoy a healthy, well-balanced, complete meal in less than five minutes.
Thanksgiving food is one of the best parts about Thanksgiving, but it is first and foremost about the people you love. Make sure your Thanksgiving to-do list includes an order of meals from any one or our menus for delivery by Nov 17th.
Perfect for last minute drop-ins, they take up very little space in the fridge and will stay fresh well past Thanksgiving. Spend more time with your loved ones this Thanksgiving and less time out shopping, fighting crowds and with your kitchen. Forget greasy take-out this year, stay in with Personal Chef To Go!
10 Step Thanksgiving Sanity Plan
Clear out your fridge. You’re going to be filling it up again pretty soon, so now is a good time to eat the best leftovers and toss the rest.
Start thawing your turkey: The safest place to do this is in the fridge—aren’t you glad you’ve already cleared it out?
Make your pie crusts. Roll them out and freeze them flat between sheets of parchment paper in resealable plastic bags until needed. They’ll defrost quickly.
Check your recipes. Make sure you have all the ingredients and equipment needed. Make a list of what you still need.
Go shopping. The crowds will be insane the day before Thanksgiving, so get as much as you possibly can now.
Stock up on wine, beer, and non-alcoholic drinks—and make sure you have plenty of ice.
Check your serving pieces. Do you have enough platters, bowls, and serving spoons and forks?
Do as much prep work as you can: Make salad dressings; chop onions and celery and store in resealable plastic bags in the fridge; top and tail green beans; make stock for gravy with purchased turkey wings.
Make the cranberry sauce. Hint: The recipe on the back of the bag is great. Just add a pinch of salt to bring out the cranberries’ full tangy flavor. A splash of port isn’t too bad, either.
If you have guests who are bringing food, call them now and find out exactly what they’re bringing, whether they’ll need counter space and tools to finish prepping, and how much oven time their dish requires. You may need to make a few minor alterations to the menu at this point so you don’t have complete and total kitchen chaos right before the big meal.
Love is good for your health and tomorrow
is Valentine's Day which may mean you've got chocolate on your mind. Even though
you may be fearing the amount of calories in those heart-shaped boxes, there
are many reasons to love Valentine's Day sweet treats.
In fact, here are five
healthy reasons to eat dark chocolate:
It helps you exercise longer: A recent study found that eating a tiny amount
of dark
chocolate before a workout helps fight fatigue, which means you can go that much further
during your workout. The amount that worked in the study was tiny — just
half a square — but if it's good quality chocolate, a small square will go a
long way.
It's stress relieving: And not just when you're PMSing. A study found
that when highly stressed participants ate an ounce and a half of dark
chocolate (the equivalent of a Hershey's bar) a day for two weeks, the level of
stress hormones in their bodies dropped
significantly. While eating a candy bar a day can contribute to a
whole new set of stresses if you're watching your weight, it's nice to know that dark chocolate has a measurable effect on stress levels.
It's heart-healthy: A study found that dark chocolate increases
blood flow, which helps keep your ticker in top shape. Those who ate a small
amount of chocolate a day had increased blood flow due to
more-dilated blood vessels as well as better heart function.
It's good when you're sick: If you can't get the rest you need because
of a nagging cough, try dark chocolate. The theobromine, an ingredient in dark
chocolate, has been proven to suppress a cough, but just be careful — if you're trying to go
to sleep, remember that a dark chocolate Hershey's bar has 30 milligrams of
caffeine, which is the equivalent to a cup of tea
It lowers blood pressure: Increasing blood flow also helps your heart
in another way. A study found that eating a small square of dark chocolate a
day helps
regulate your blood pressure by increasing blood flow as well as dilating blood vessels and
releasing nitric oxide. If you're managing your blood pressure levels, a daily,
small dose of dark chocolate may help.
And so, the virtues of dark chocolate just keep coming. Add this
good news to the already long list of the benefits
of flavonoid-rich dark chocolate, and indulging in
that daily decadence sounds like a very good idea indeed. Before you do,
however, make sure you keep your chocolate treat healthy by keeping these 3
things in mind, as well.
it dark: There's
a reason why these studies never mention milk chocolate — all the dairy and
sugar in milk chocolate, while delicious, lowers the antioxidant content of
your chocolate while upping calorie and fat counts. Instead, look for dark
chocolate that's at least 60 to 70 percent cocoa for those high flavonoid
concentrations that actually help your health.
for high quality: On
that note, the kind of chocolate matters; avoid chocolates that use
"partially hydrogenated" oils, since these trans fats aren't exactly
the healthy ingredients you're looking for and can lead to higher bad
cholesterol levels. Consider organic, chemical and preservative free ingredients
found in fair trade and sustainable chocolate makers.
it small: Just
because it's good for you doesn't mean you have an excuse to go overboard even
on Valentine’s Day. Eat too much of any "healthy" treat every day and
you'll just be undoing any possible benefits you may be getting. Stick to a square
of dark chocolate a day — most people find that this is enough to satisfy sweet
cravings, and studies have shown that dark chocolate's benefits are obtained
from having just a small amount per day.
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